This will be one of the most impactful ministries our church has ever launched. We are looking for men who are serious about taking their relationship with the Lord and leadership in their homes seriously. The effects of being intentional and building each other up to manage our homes well has the potential to impact far more than just those within our families. We believe this kind of intentionality among men is what our culture and community truly needs right now. 

Saturday Morning Meetups

Join us every other month for pancakes, coffee and a word of encouragement as we sharpen other men in the church who are on the same journey.

Meeting Dates

• June 10th @ 7am


Accountability Groups

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

Strong relationships are built with consistency over time. We encourage our men to  meet in groups of 2 or 3 regularly to discuss's challenges, joys, and struggles. Through these discussions over time, we believe we will see  iron sharpen iron. 

Join us.

By filling out the following form, you are committing to these things over the course of the next 12 months:
• Meet with an accountability partner at least 2x per month
• Come to our 6 Iron Sharpens Iron (Large Group/Saturday) Meetings
• Go after our monthly House Focus objectives