Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, 
ROOTED and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. 

Colossians 2:6-7

The Rooted Journey

On May 15, 2022, Connection Point Church celebrated the launch of a 3 year spiritual journey to establish permanent roots in the city of Wylie, TX.  The members of Connection Point Church committed to give over $450,000 towards the construction of a permanent facility in the township of St. Paul, Texas on our recently purchased 3 acres of land.  We invite you to join us in this exciting adventure as we take a step of faith and anticipate an exciting move of God!


ADDRESS - 2601 Parker Road, St. Paul, TX , 75098
SIZE - 2.91 acres
HOUSE - 3 beds, 2 baths, 1500 sq. ft.

How do I participate in the Rooted journey?

Goal 1: Raise $450,000 above our regular giving.
Goal 2: See 200 new faces visit Connection Point Church before 2025

Our rooted journey has two major ways to participate.  You can help us reach our two major GOALS by inviting new people to visit Connection Point Church or by giving financially towards our rooted campaign.  Even Better: Click here if you would like to make a pledge over the next three years to the campaign!

What is a "ROOT"

If you have visited Connection Point Church a few times, you may have seen us give away T-shirts or other prizes to people who have completed certain "roots".  We have created a list of several activities or events that can help our congregation establish godly habits that can help them follow Jesus and grow closer to Him.  In order to encourage our people to establish these "roots" in Christ, we choose to celebrate them frequently.  Anyone who completes 3 roots will receive a free t-shirt in our Sunday morning worship service.  If you would like to see the list of roots or let us know that you have completed a "root", you can find them here.